Monday, August 23, 2010

Walking by Faith

Do you alll remember Mike and I's little buddy Aidan? He has been at Riley the last few days for his last round of chemo before heading to NYC next month for surgery to remove his tumor.

I have been wanting to visit Aidan the last few times he was at Riley, but schedule wise, it just didn't work out. I was determined to visit him while he was in for this round of chemo. I wanted to go this past Saturday, but it ended up not working out then either. I just figured I would go Monday (today) after work.

Fast forward to today: Jeremy Camp came into the studios to promote his new album "We Cry Out" and play a short acoustic set for some lucky winners from both of our stations. Towards the end of Jeremy's visit, I decided to ask him if he would be kind enough to autograph a monkey for Aidan. I started to tell Jeremy and the promotions director from his record label Aidan's story. Jeremy quickly said "Yes! I'll sign that for him." Jeremy signed the monkey for Aidan with the sweetest message: "Aidan, Jesus loves you so much!"

After Jeremy signed the monkey, he said asked if we could all pray for Aidan. So Jeremy, Tamara (from his label) two of my co-workers, Jamin and KC, and I stood and prayed for Aidan. It was awesome to know that Jeremy, someone who has never met Aidan before, was so willing to just stop everything he was doing and say a prayer for Aidan.

Soon after Jeremy and his crew left, I headed towards Riley to visit Aidan and his Mommy. When I arrived to Aidan's room, his Mommy was talking to a friend of their's and Aidan was watching "Clone Wars" on his iPad. (I have an upcoming post devoted to Aidan's foundation and iPads!) After a few minutes, his Mom noticed the monkey in my hands for Aidan. I told her that we had someone pretty special visit my work today and I got him to autograph the monkey just for Aidan. When she asked who signed it and I said Jeremy Camp, her eyes got really big. She said "JEREMY CAMP?" and rushed to get her iPhone. She started scrolling through her list of songs and showed me one of Jeremy's songs on her Shazam list "Walk By Faith" and said "The guy who sings that" I said "Yep" and immediately got goosebumps on my arms.

Why did I get goosebumps? Watch this video of Jeremy giving his testimony about why he wrote the song "Walk by Faith" (the song Aidan's Mommy had on her iPhone) and you'll understand.

As soon as she showed me that song, I knew at that very moment I wasn't there on my time, I was there on God's time. I wasn't supposed to go visit Aidan on Saturday like I had originally planned because if I had, I wouldn't have been able to give Aidan the monkey autographed by Jeremy. I wouldn't have been able to have the conversation with Aidan's Mommy about Jeremy Camp's testimony and the story behind the song "Walk By Faith." The list can go on... God wanted to give Aidan's Mom, someone whom my heart breaks for on a daily basis, a sign that God is walking by their side during Aidan's entire battle with cancer.

As Jeremy said in the video, "I want to encourage you. Whatever is going on in your life... Just trust in Him. And take steps, even baby steps, and watch Him be faithful each step that you take..." While nobody but God is sure what Aidan's future holds, his family and friends are walking by their faith in God. Each day is a different step in the direction of God's plan.

I'm not sure if you can see it in the picture above, but next to his autograph, Jeremy wrote on the monkey's shirt Acts 20:24:
"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me–the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace."
Aidan's family has been and will continue to be a testimony of God's grace.

Here's the rest video of Jeremy signing "Walk by Faith"

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