The headlining artist for the festival this year was one of our top artists at the radio station we work at, and we knew that the artist would draw a crowd from Indy up to the festival, so we signed up to go again this year. Like last year, once we arrived on site, it was pretty dead for a few hours, but that gave my co-worker and I time to talk about other work stuff, as well as brainstorm some new cupcake flavors (the important stuff!)
The big difference was last year we sat in our vehicle to keep cool where this year we sat in our vehicle to keep warm! It was unseasonably chilly last night, and after being used to the 90+ degree temps we've had the last few months, 60 degrees felt darn right cold! Not to mention the rain and light mist that continued throughout the afternoon and evening.
Towards the end of the night, after my co-worker and I had already talked about freezing and shivering, and that if the headliner wasn't at the festival we probably wouldn't even be there, two ladies walked up to our tent and we started talking with them. After a few minutes, we found out that one of the ladies is from UGANDA! As soon as my co-worker and I heard that, we just looked at each other and smiled. I then stepped aside and started talking with the lady from Uganda, Josephine, and found out that she's visiting the U.S. for the ministry she is with in Uganda. Not only hearing that she was from Uganda, but what her ministry is, was a total God moment! Her ministry is a Christian ministry that works with young girls, ages 12 and above, pregnant teenagers, as well as vulnerable women in Uganda, to empower them to overcome their circumstances. Josephine is a professional counselor who helps pregnant teenagers who contemplated/tried abortion, and has started a safe home for pregnant teenagers, as well as 3 other programs for women in Uganda. I couldn't believe it!
Once again, God used the same festival to open my eyes and let me know that HE IS IN CONTROL.
Josephine and I've agreed to keep in touch. If you'd like to follow along with her ministry, I've added a link to her blog on the left side, under Blogs I Read. It's called "The Fortress"
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