Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Today, I witnessed a lot of people showing true respect... and I witnessed a lot of people not showing respect. 

One of my very close friend's mother passed away last Friday after a tough battle with cancer and her funeral was today in Fort Wayne.  I was able to keep my emotions pretty much in-check throughout the viewing last night and the funeral today, that was, until I drove in the funeral procession.

I was raised and taught that if I was driving next to or past a funeral procession, as a way of respect, you would either pull over (if safe) or at least get out of their way and slow down your speed.  Today, as we were leaving the funeral home headed towards the cemetary, the first road we drove on (St Joe Ctr Road) I saw one car pull over or even slow down.  Next, we turned onto Clinton, and this time nobody pulled over or slowed down (that I could see.)  Once we hit Auburn Road things changed: cars started stopping left and right; we passed a school bus that had come to a complete stop and little kids were all peering out the window; we drove past a van and there was a woman with her arms across her chest like she was saying "I Love You"; we drove past a truck and the driver was saluting; we drove past my niece's school and there were adults standing by the road that were talking - when they realized it was a funeral procession they stopped talking, faced all of the cars and just watched. 

Once I witnessed complete strangers, who had no idea who my friend's mother was, showing total respect and honor for her as she was being driven to her final resting place, the tears started flowing. 

Romans 12:10 tells us to "Love one another warmly as Christians, and be eager to show respect for one another." (Good News Translation)  Is it wrong of me to assume that those who did stop along the way were Christians because of their unspoken love and respect that was shown?

Christian or not, it was comforting to know that some people in Fort Wayne still know and understand respect.  If it meant that much to me, I can only imagine what it meant to my friends family. 

Rest in peace Kathy. 

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