Saturday, March 6, 2010

Frankie Bob

I've had a few people ask me if Frankie Bob is a Maine Coon Cat. My normal response: "No idea. We got him from PetSmart." But after I was asked again last night, I decided to look up information on Maine Coon Cats. I'm now convinced that Frankie Bob is either a beautiful full-blooded Maine Coon, or he's doing an AMAZING job pretending to be one.

Here are the descriptions from the websites that lead me to believe Frankie Bob is a Maine Coon:

Maine Coons are one of the largest breeds of domestic cat. Males weigh anywhere between 15 and 25 lb (Frankie Bob weighs 20 lbs)

The height of adults can vary between 10 and 16 in and they can reach a length of up to 40 in, including the tail, which can reach lengths of up to 14 in. (Frankie Bob is 12 in high, his body (including the tail) is 35 in long (his tail alone is 13 in.)

Long tufts of fur growing between their toes help keep the toes warm (Frankie Bob has TONS of fur between his toes!)

Maine Coons are known as the "gentle giants" and possess above-average intelligence, making them relatively easy to train. (Frankie Bob is one of the only cats that I know comes when his name is called)

They are known for being loyal to their family and cautious—but not mean—around strangers, but are independent and not clingy. (Frankie Bob runs our house, until someone he doesn't know comes in. Then, until he gets to know them, is VERY cautious around them.)

The Maine Coon is generally not known for being a "lap cat" but their gentle disposition makes the breed relaxed around dogs, other cats, and children. They are playful throughout their lives, with males tending to be more clownish. (That's my Frankie Bob, described to a "T")

Many Maine Coons have a fascination with water (Frankie Bob will sit at the sink and meow until we turn on the faucet so he can play with the water. He also likes to walk along the rim of the bathtub when I'm taking a shower.)

So there ya go. I think Frankie Bob fits the description perfectly to be a Maine Coon.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Then what kind of a cat was "Dove"? Didn't you get her as a Russian Blue? Don't forget Zoe. What kind was he?

Now am I understanding you prefer these coon cats from Maine over your two Russian Blues?