Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's been a busy week

It's been a busy week, and it's only Wednesday...

Not only am I getting over being sick (story of my life) but we had a MAJOR event at work last night and we WERE (another story) in the process of planning another major event later this month.

Monday was spent on the phone, doing paper work, running errands to pick up various items needed for Tuesdays concert (if you consider drum risers for the band "various" items) and having dinner with the record label. Not to mention that my Mom was staying at our house Monday and Tuesday nights while she was in town for a training for work.

Tuesday I woke up with a fever, but it was the day of the concert, so I went into work anyway. After I left work and went to the concert venue to set up our booths and wait for the band's road manager to show up, I called my boss and asked him to pray for me and my fever to go away. He prayed but he also told me to go home and to bed.

For those of you who know me well, you'll agree with me - that was hard for me to do. I'm a control freak. This concert had pretty much been my "baby." How could I just go home and go to bed the day of the show?? After my co-worker arrived to the venue, I told him what our boss said and that I was going to go home. It was not easy just walking out. NOT easy!

I went home and slept for about 2 1/2 - 3 hours and woke up. The fever was slowly dropping. Praise God! Mike got home from work a little while later and we got stuff together and went over to the venue. Mike and I got to the venue and everything was perfectly fine. (Not that I didn't think it would be...) My co-worker did a great job of holding down the fort while I was at home sleeping off my fever.

After we got to the venue, the band said they needed someone to work their merch table for them. So guess who I grabbed and had work merch for the night? MIKE! He had already taken a lot of photos for me, so it worked out. And he did a GREAT job! I love watching him interact with other people. Mike has such a genuine smile, and he was smiling most of the night last night. It made my heart melt!!!

The concert was great, we had a decent size crowd show up for the free concert (that we only had 1 week to promote) and those who attended had a great evening of worship. After the show was over, we all got to hang out with the band while we were tearing down. Of course we got a big 'ol group shot.

Today we returned the drum risers, (thanks to the wonderful people at our church for letting us borrow them) had lunch with a ministry partner, and got a ton of paper work done at the office! My Mom also stopped by on her way back home, so I gave her a tour of the office.

When I got home, I opened up all the windows and took Riley for a walk. It was BEAUTIFUL! But, as we all know in Indiana, 73 degrees one day, only 40 the next. It's supposed to get cold tomorrow. Grrrr!!!

I made another new recipe tonight. It was delicious and super easy too! Check it out: Bistro Chicken Pasta Salad

Alright, I think that's enough for now! Have a good night!!!

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