When I write these blog entries, I do so not only to inform you of what is going on in our lives, but also as a way for Mike and I to keep our memories around for years to come. I honestly didn't think that I would be able to learn from my own entries, but I have.
There are 4 particular entries which I'm referring to, beginning in June of last year:
I Surrender All (6.9.09)
Little did I know how the song "I Surrender All" would impact my life from that point forward... That's pretty much when I started praying to God that if I was supposed to be somewhere else doing his work, then he could let me know when he was ready, because I was!
He Did It Again (10.9.09)
A little insight to this post. Not only was I still working at ChaCha, but I was also working part time on the weekends at a Christian radio station in Indy. When I wrote:
"The God-cidence of it all was where i heard the song, when I heard the song, and who was signing the song."Where did I hear the song? On Air1 - my current employer (with who I had just started phone interviews with at that point) and also the station that plays the kind of music Mike and I listen to all the time. (The harder Christian music like Skillet, Pillar, Flyleaf, etc...)
When did I hear the song? Two things about "when." 1: I heard this song when I had just begun the interview process for my current job, and I still wasn't sure if going back into radio full-time was the best option for Mike and I - and if it's really where God wanted me to be. I always said if I went back into radio again (after being out of it on a full-time basis for 4 years) that it would have to be a Christian format station because if I was going to work that hard, it was going to be for something I not only cared about, but was also passionate about. 2: I heard the song while driving home from the radio station I was working at, at that time, on the weekends. Fun side note - if I never had worked at that particular station, I would have NEVER found out about my current job.
Who was singing the song? Kutless - one of Mike's absolute favorite bands. Hmmm...
Give It All Away (11.29.09)
As my friend AJ like's to call it - that's a GODSMACK moment. (And no, not the band!) Again, through music I was able to know that God heard my prayers and was answering them.
The other part of the sermon on Sunday was about God testing us. God certainly tested Mike and I during this whole process. (At least we feel like he was!) We had made the decision for me to go to the station and got quite a surprise. Well, not a surprise, but it was a test - a test to see if we really had faith that God would provide if I followed what I felt was a "call" to go serve with the Ministry of KLOVE and Air 1.
Give It All Away (11.29.09)
As my friend AJ like's to call it - that's a GODSMACK moment. (And no, not the band!) Again, through music I was able to know that God heard my prayers and was answering them.
The other part of the sermon on Sunday was about God testing us. God certainly tested Mike and I during this whole process. (At least we feel like he was!) We had made the decision for me to go to the station and got quite a surprise. Well, not a surprise, but it was a test - a test to see if we really had faith that God would provide if I followed what I felt was a "call" to go serve with the Ministry of KLOVE and Air 1.
Both of the songs mentioned in this post, but particularly "Give It All Away" was the answer to our prayers on what we felt like we were being tested on. If Mike and I put all our faith in God (which we did) he would take care of us. We believe this 100%.
Closing One Door & Opening Another (12.6.09)
After the decision was made for me to leave ChaCha and begin serving with the Ministry of KLOVE and Air1, Mike wrote this song to summarize all of the decisions and emotions we went through.
I’m not showing you these blog entries out of pride or to be boastful by ANY MEANS. Rather, I’m sharing them with you to show how AWESOME our God is and that if we really put all of our FAITH into him, then he can do amazing things through us. The following scripture means more to me now than ever before:
"Jesus asked them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” “Yes, Lord,” they replied.” - Matthew 9:28
Closing One Door & Opening Another (12.6.09)
After the decision was made for me to leave ChaCha and begin serving with the Ministry of KLOVE and Air1, Mike wrote this song to summarize all of the decisions and emotions we went through.
I’m not showing you these blog entries out of pride or to be boastful by ANY MEANS. Rather, I’m sharing them with you to show how AWESOME our God is and that if we really put all of our FAITH into him, then he can do amazing things through us. The following scripture means more to me now than ever before:
"Jesus asked them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” “Yes, Lord,” they replied.” - Matthew 9:28
So, do YOU believe?
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