Sunday, December 6, 2009

Closing One Door & Opening Another

Mike plays guitar and sings on our praise team at church. This morning before church started, Mike pulled me aside and handed me a folded up piece of paper and said, "Open this note after we start playing, and not before." Right after that he joined the rest of the praise team and went up on the stage. As soon as they started playing, I unfolded the note and read it. It said "I wrote this song for you." I teared up, but with a giant smile on my face.

Here's the song Mike wrote:
Through the down times, I trust You to provide
Through my troubles, You'll be there by my side
And the path may not be clear
And the journey will be fierce
But Your endless grace will ease all of my fears

More than gold
More than silver
More than anything this world has in store
I want to serve You
I want to please You
The treasure you hold is worth so much more

Through my failures, Your grace will help me cope
Through the heartache, Your love will help me cope
And I know You know what's best
And by that I can confess
That it's only by Your Son that I am blessed

More than gold
More than silver
More than anything this world has in store
I want to serve You
I want to please You
The treasure you hold is worth so much more

All You want is all of me
Let me be an offering
Lord please take my days
Use them only for Your praise

More than gold
More than silver
More than anything this world has in store
I want to serve You
I want to please You
The treasure you hold is worth so much more

A little background on the song: The last month or so, I've had a lot on my heart about my work situation, not knowing if where I am currently was where I was supposed to be, or if God had different plans for me. Mike and I prayed... a lot... and we finally decided that God did have other plans for me. Mike wrote this song about the prayers we said and the final decision that we made together about me taking a new job and leaving my current job. While closing one door and opening another, the opportunity to serve God through my soon to be new employer is exciting. I can't wait!

Thank you Mike, for such a beautiful song. I'm so excited that we can open this new door together! I love you!!

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