Friday, December 2, 2011

The Heart of Christmas

My boss flew into Indy this week for some meetings, and after we finished the last meeting of the day yesterday, he and I were chatting a bit, and the topic of Christmas came up.  He said it didn't feel like the Holiday season to him, and I said that I unfortunately had to agree. 

For some reason, it just hasn't felt like the typical holiday season for me this year.  Maybe it's because we haven't decorated our house yet for Christmas (we didn't decorate at all last year.) Maybe it's because things are so busy between work and photography, I haven't had a chance to even think about the holidays.  Maybe it's because it was 60 degrees a few weeks ago - that's not Christmas weather to me!  The list could go on and on...

What makes the holidays feel like the holidays?  Depending on who you ask, you could get totally different responses: Family, friends, the music, the spirit of the season, shopping for Christmas gifts, the food, the parties and get-togethers, the weather, the decorations, etc...

I work across the street from the largest and busiest shopping mall in Indiana - the shopping is ALL around me!  But maybe that's my problem this year?  All I see is malls, cars, traffic jams trying to leave work, and did I mention traffic?

I know I've fallen guilty of the Black Friday / Cyber Monday shopping madness this year for Christmas gifts for our nieces and nephews, but Mike and I aren't (and can't afford to) going overboard on gifts - we don't want that to be the focus. We want to bring the focus of Christmas for our family and friends back to Christ.

That made me think of Matthew West's new song "The Heart of Christmas"

"The world’s in a hurry this December
City streets and shopping malls  
I wish we could slow down and remember
The meaning of it all"
"You can find it in the warm embrace of your family
Or calling up a long lost friend
You can even find it in the eyes of stranger
When you reach out a helping hand"

You don't need to spend a ton of money to show your family and friends that they are loved.  There are so many other ways to show that.  God has put on my heart to do something different for Christmas this year. I mean, really, there's no better way to share the Christmas spirit and celebrate Christ's birth, than by showing Christ's love and serving others. 

I don't think I could say it any better than Matthew does: 

"I'm gonna make a wish this Christmas
I'm gonna say a little prayer
Wherever you are, no matter how far 
Come back to the heart, the heart of Christmas
Live while you can, cherish the moment
The ones that you love, make sure they know it
Don’t miss it, the heart of Christmas"

Come back to the heart of Christmas: Put your wants (because come on - do you really need an iPad2) aside and reach out a helping hand to someone who would be thrilled to receive a warm meal, a clean blanket, and a smile. God will reward you. 

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