Thursday, July 14, 2011

On The Mountain

This morning, I started to read my devotion for today from "Jesus Calling" and came across this paragraph...
"KEEP WALKING with Me along the path I have chose for you.  Your desire to live close to Me is a delight to My heart.  I could instantly grant you the spiritual riches you desire, but that is not My way for you.  Together we will forge a pathway up the high mountain."
As soon as I read the line "...up the high mountain" I immeditaly thought of a song I was introduced to through my job a year ago this fall.  One of the local churches we work with held a concert with Christa Wells and one of the songs she sang was "On The Mountain"  (You can listen to it by clicking here.) 

I used to listen to that song non-stop for months, and then I think I over did it and hadn't listened to it in a LONG time... until yesterday.  I was driving home from work and was flipping through my iPhone and came across Christa's name and decided to listen to "On The Mountain" since it had been awhile.  I listened to it on repeat, loudly (apologies to anyone who drove past me - I was the crazy chic dancing to the LOUD Praise music) the entire way home.

Little did I know that God would use that song to grab my attention for today's devotion.  Yes God, I'm listening...
"Well my hands cannot reach it
And my mind can't comprehend it
But my soul is gonna get there one day"

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