Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Food Poisoning or The Flu?

Ladies and Gentlemen, the story you are about to read is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.

[Cue Dragnet theme music]

This is the city:  Indianapolis, Indiana.  I work here.  I'm a photographer (for this story.)
It was Sunday, December 12 and it was snowing and cold in Indianapolis.
We were working a photo shoot on the circle in downtown.
My partner is Mike Derringer, and the boss, well, we were both "the boss."
My name is Bethany.

A young women had become ill Sunday evening and we had to figure out who or what made her sick.

[Cue Dragnet "dum ta dum dum dummmmmmm" music]

Okay, Okay, enough fun.  I've been home sick for two days now.  I'm FINALLY starting to feel better, so I'm working on photos from our shoots this past weekend.  When I came across this photos (notice the blurring to "protect the innocent") I had to do a quick blog post.  This drink, up until Monday night, was what I thought to be the reason I had been so sick!

I was feeling fine until about an hour after I had this eggnog hot chocolate.  I didn't have time to be sick so I just chalked it up as my body not taking kindly to liquid chocolate (no joke - they just melt chocolate for their hot chocolate - it's like drinking a liquid Hershey bar) or that there was some bad Eggnog mixed in with the drink.

That evening, Mike and I went to my work's Christmas party, where, come to find out, I was the only staff member (besides the host and some of our mutual friends) who actually was crazy enough to venture out into the snow storm Sunday night.  I had to be there!  I had made cupcakes and whoopie pies!  Once it was time to eat, I had NO appetite, but I just figured I had O.D'd on Chocolate.

We didn't stay very long because of the weather and headed home.  I'll spare you the rest of the details, but come Monday night when I was still sick, I decided it was the flu rather than the drink above.

And then I remembered back to a week prior when I was at my doctors office and they asked if I had gotten my flu shot yet and I said "Nope!"  Yeah - probably should have gotten my flu shot.

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