Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Riley's New Soccer Ball

Two years ago today, Mike and I brought home a little black puppy who has become our best friend: Riley. He has so many nick names (Rye Rye, Buddy, Boogie) but the best name, that he holds so true to, is "Man's Best Friend."

We got Riley a new toy this week - a soccer ball. His eyes got sooo big when he saw it! I'm quite positive he had never seen a ball so big... and this dog LOVES balls! Riley LOVES playing with his new soccer ball, but we're only letting him play with it outside since he's so rough with it.

It was so nice outside after work (and still daylight - yes!) that I took Riley out to play with his soccer ball and his other favorite outside toy, his frisbee. Here's a video of Riley playing with his new ball:

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