Thursday, January 28, 2010

She is SOOOOO Creative

Without sounding biased, I do believe that my niece, Bella, is one of the smartest and most creative little girls I know! When she was at our house last weekend, she out of the blue said "Aunt Beth, can I make some maracas?" I stood there and thought to myself how in the world would we make those? We have nothing creative and artsy at our house. (That's down the street at Matt & Sarah's. LOL.) Well, leave it to Bella. After I asked her how we would make them, she pointed to the water bottles on our counter and said "We can use those. Now only if you had some sand..." Well, as you can imagine, we had no sand, but, we did have rice! So Isabella and I poured rice into two bottles, taped them shut, and wa-la, we had two maracas! Here she is playing her maracas:

Pretty creative if I can say so myself :-)

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